379 Sexy Beast Part 2

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On this episode of The Cine-Files, Steve Morris and John Rocha bring you Part 2 of their breakdown and discussion of the 2001 British gangster classic SEXY BEAST from Academy Award nominated director Jonathan Glazer! The film stars Ray Winstone, Ian McShane, Amanda Redman and Ben Kingsley who delivers one of the greatest performances of his career. Kinglsey was nominated for an Oscar and Golden Globe for his work as the menacing, emotionally stunted, terrifying and battering ram of Id that is Don Logan. A cleverly written and directed heist movie that ISN"T about the heist, it features iconic dialogue, unforgettable scenes and a surprisingly beautiful and honest love story at the heart of it all. John and Steve head to Gal and DeeDee's house in sunny Spain for Part 2 of their discussion on Sexy Beast.